PPP Ezine Vol 1, Issue 2: I wish to withhold! by Suryasri Saha.

Wish I can withhold
all that I love and feel,
The lanes I have walked
down with you in our town,
The places we have explored
together in a spree,
The endless conversations
and the soulful laughters,
The habitual digging onto our
favorite food with you being
the connoisseur of all flavour,
The exchange of glances while
talking our heart out, the prolonged
smile gazing at each other..

I wish to withhold all that is mine,
to keep living all these moments
without running out of time.
I wish to keep seeing your happy
face which can’t be replaced,
to keep laughing together
at our silliness,
to keep walking down the same
old lanes with the same old pace
and with the same young soul…
I wish to withhold
all that I love and feel..

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